Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To "Stalk" or not to stalk, this is my question?

This is an interesting topic to me because people take the word stalk to mean different things. So what exactly does stalking mean? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, stalking is to pursue obsessively and to the point of harassment.

If we are talking about a person who lived a normal everyday life it would be one thing, but what if we are talking about a celebrity? How far can a fan actually go to not be considered a stalker or is it even about the fan? Is it the personality of the celebrity?

Those of you who know me personally, know that I have met quite a few celebrities in my time. You also know that I have been a huge fan of Cher for many years. Over the last year or so, I have also gone to numerous Taylor Swift concerts and events with my seventeen year old daughter.

Taylor Swift opened her Speak Now World Tour last night in Singapore. As I was reading tweets and such, I discovered a person with actually a really good idea, but has she gone to far? This Taylor fan is now tweeting pretty much every move Taylor makes on this World Tour. The time Taylor was landing at the airport was tweeted. The hotel Taylor was staying at was tweeted. They knew where Taylor was during the day and so on. Singapore was very excited to have Taylor there. They welcomed her very warmly and the concert was awesome from what I have seen and read. I think they deserved every chance they could get to meet her. I just don't know if it should be posted on twitter for 2,877 followers to see.

I think that sometimes, we the fans get really caught up in all of the excitement and don't stop to think that they need their private time too. However, I also think how much is too much is up to the celebrity.

Taylor Swift for example, is remarkable. I have never seen another artist that cares so much for their fans and goes out of the way to show it, nor have I ever seen her personally turn down a fan. It doesn't matter where she is or who she is with. Now, her people may stop her or stop someone, but it has never been her. I think she was probably flattered by the crowd at the airport. I think she is very happy that so many can relate to her music and she welcomes the fans.

On the other hand, there is Cher. Geez her people would call you a stalker if you stayed in the same hotel and they did! They would go above and beyond to sneak Cher out of places to avoid fans. I am sure there were a few times when we got caught up in the excitement. I mean yes, we went to her hotel, and yes we went to her house, but when we did these things it was in small groups and not posted for all to see. I understand that measures have to be taken to insure the safety of the Artist, but as far as hard core fans go, we would be the last ones to harm someone which we had so much passion for.

So, I guess in the end, stalking does mean different things to different people, but we must remember, in the actions that we take, to put the Artist first and not do anything that could harm them in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog entry! You make some valid points and when going too far is really too far, and when it is not considered as such.
